D'Andrea and Pantera Family & Cosmetic Blog

Electric Toothbrush or Manual? Your Dentist Chimes In!

October 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:55 pm

two toothbrushesNot too long ago, an electric toothbrush was a luxury item; most folks settled for good, old-fashioned manual tools. However, powered brushes are becoming ever more popular, causing many people to wonder if they’re actually better for oral health. What are some of the key similarities and differences between the two types of toothbrushes, and how can you choose the one that’s best for you? Your dentist in Hamden is here to talk about some of the factors you should consider the next time you’re in need of a new toothbrush.


Your Dentist Reminds You to Get the Most out of Your Dental Benefits

October 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:50 pm

dental insuranceYou have a lot to think about as the calendar year winds to a close. You may be making lists for holiday shopping, jotting down next year’s vacation plans, or getting your home ready to face winter weather. What you might not be thinking about is taking advantage of your dental benefits. A healthy smile doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and it can be especially affordable if you use your insurance, FSA, or HSA to pay for necessary care. How can you get the most out of your benefits? Your dentist in Hamden is here to offer a few tips.


5 Questions to Ask Your Dentist Before Getting Invisalign

September 9, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 2:50 pm

raised hands with questionsIf you’re anything like us, you always think of a question just after leaving the doctor’s office, and you end up kicking yourself for not asking when you had the chance. If you’re considering getting Invisalign for either yourself or your child, here are 5 important questions you should ask the team at D’Andrea & Pantera DMD so you can know everything you need before starting treatment. (more…)

Protect More than Your Child’s Teeth with a Dentist-Made Mouthguard

September 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 1:51 pm

child with mouthguardIt’s generally accepted that if a child regularly participates in sports, contact or otherwise, they should always wear a mouthguard in order to protect their teeth. This is a no-brainer. However, did you know that a mouthguard, especially a custom-made one supplied by your dentist in Hamden, can do so much more than simply keep your child’s smile safe? Today, the team at D’Andrea & Pantera DMD discuss the little known benefits of wearing a mouthguard and how they can have huge impact on you and your child’s lives both on and off the field. (more…)

New School Year? It’s the Perfect Time to Visit Your Children’s Dentist!

August 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 12:05 pm

Happy child at schoolWow! Summer sure went by fast, right? It seems like a little while ago you were just getting used to those lazy summer days, but now it’s full speed ahead to get your child organized for the first day of school. While you’re picking up their school supplies and buying new clothes, it’s also a great idea to schedule an appointment with your children’s dentist. It’s the perfect way to make sure they get a strong start to the new year. (more…)

How Porcelain Veneers Can Transform Your Smile

July 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 12:49 pm

How do porcelain veneers work?

You’re meeting up with some of your friends later tonight, and you know one of them is definitely going to take pictures the entire evening. Seeing as how they’ll inevitably end up on the internet for everyone to see, you have some work to do. You see, you really don’t like how your smile looks. Some teeth are chipped, cracked, and you even have a few noticeable gaps. You’re extremely self-conscious about it, so you’re practicing smiling without showing your teeth. Wouldn’t it be great if this was the LAST thing on your mind? What if you could just smile and know you looked fantastic? If your teeth have multiple cosmetic flaws you’d like to get rid of, porcelain veneers could be exactly what you need. Of course, this brings up obvious questions: What are they? Are they right for you? How do you actually get them?

Today, we’re going to answer these questions and more so you can know precisely how to get your dream smile.


Half Off Wedding Whitening from Your Dentist in Hamden!

June 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 5:20 pm

Your dentist in Hamden can take one less thing off your wedding to-do list. A stunning, elegant white gown, pearly white veil, and….yellowed teeth? Not too many brides can picture themselves walking down the aisle like that. When women picture their wedding day, it’s usually a day that you’ll never forget. Quite literally, lots of pictures will be taken to keep those memories at the forefront of your mind. The last thing you want ruining your wedding picture is an unsightly, dark smile! Your cosmetic dentist in Hamden wants to make your lifelong memories enjoyable. We have a couple whitening options to help brighten our local bride’s wedding day at half price!


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