D'Andrea and Pantera Family & Cosmetic Blog

How Your Dentist Keeps Their Office Clean During COVID-19

May 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 4:31 pm
dentist in Hamden washing their hands

Even if the spread of COVID-19 cases is slowing down in your area, the disease still remains a threat for virtually everyone. As a result, cleanliness is more important than before to everyone. This especially includes your dentist in Hamden. Simply spraying their tools with disinfectant isn’t nearly enough to keep their practice germ-free, particularly during a pandemic. There are several additional steps that your dentist is taking to make sure their practice is free of germs, including those that cause COVID-19. Keep reading to learn a few of them.


5 Not-So-Obvious Signs That You Have a Dental Emergency

April 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 4:21 pm

woman with toothache who needs emergency dentist in Hamden

How can you tell the difference between common oral aches and pains, and a situation where you need to call an emergency dentist in Hamden? What starts out as a small toothache might spiral into a serious problem if you put off treatment. That’s why we’ve created this list of signs you have a dental emergency on your hands. If any of these signs sound familiar to you, then contact your emergency dentist right away.


5 Ways to Keep Your Mouth Healthy Until Your Dentist Reopens

April 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:16 pm

bearded man in white shirt flossing in front of mirror

Do you pride yourself on the fact that you hardly ever get cavities? If so, you might be worried about the oral health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because your dentist in Hamden is only treating dental emergencies and not performing cleanings, you might be anxious that you’ll get cavities before this is all over. However, if you follow all of the tips listed below, you should be able to keep your mouth clean and cavity-free until your dentist reopens.


5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Looking for a Family Dentist

March 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 2:33 pm

Happy family visits family dentist in Hamden Finding a dentist that’s right for the whole family can be quite a challenge. That’s because you’re not just looking for someone to clean your teeth, but someone who can expertly look after the unique oral health care needs of each of your loved ones. Unfortunately, it can be an overwhelming experience if you’re not sure what to look for in a health care provider. Here are five questions to ask yourself to help you in your search for a great family dentist in Hamden.


Are You Damaging Your Teeth with These 5 Everyday Habits?

March 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:28 am

Concerned woman covering mouth needs to see her Hamden dentistIt’s common knowledge that you need to regularly brush and floss your teeth if you want a healthy smile. However, it takes more than just a great dental routine to protect your pearly whites from daily life! You may be unknowingly damaging your teeth with a few simple but destructive bad habits. Find out if you practice any of these five common behaviors that hurt oral health and what your Hamden dentist says you can do to keep your smile safe.


Can Gum Disease Cause Heart Disease?

February 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 5:55 pm

man using electric toothbrush

When most of us think about taking care of our heart, we picture getting regular exercise, eating plenty of leafy greens, and abstaining from smoking and drinking. Most of us don’t imagine that brushing and flossing every day could benefit our cardiovascular health. But did you know that it can? According to multiple studies, there is a significant link between periodontal (gum) disease and an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. A dentist in Hamden is here to explain the connection and how you can keep heart disease at bay by taking care of your gums.


How to Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 4:37 pm

little girl with toothbrush

The month of February is about a whole lot more than just flowers, chocolates, and hurriedly trying to find a date. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), it’s also National Children’s Dental Health Month! That means it’s the perfect time to get your child interested in taking good care of their teeth and gums, as well as visiting their dentist in Hamden. Here are a few oral health tips to get your little one excited about their dental care.


3 Reasons to Choose Invisalign in 2020

January 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 12:27 am

woman holding clear alignerBelieve it or not, a new year is already here. As you take the time to create resolutions to reduce your debt, lose weight, or eat healthier, shouldn’t a confident smile also be on your list? There’s no better time than now to commit to yourself by achieving the straight smile you’ve always wanted. You can reach your goals and invest in a better you without brackets and wires. Instead, you can transform your smile and your self-esteem with Invisalign in Hamden. Here are 3 reasons to choose a straight smile just in time for the new year.

Regain Your Confidence and Your Smile with Teeth Whitening

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 10:48 pm

Confident man with bright smile.Have you laughed today? Numerous studies suggest that American adults laugh about 15-17 times a day on average. Unfortunately, a study conducted for Snow Teeth Whitening suggests that many of us can’t fully enjoy the moment because of how our teeth look. 57% of those surveyed reported that they cover their mouth while laughing due to an imperfection in their smile, with discoloration coming in at the top of the list of issues. Does this sound familiar? If it does, you can quickly, comfortably, and dramatically brighten your smile with teeth whitening in Hamden! Find out how regaining your confidence with whiter teeth can improve several important aspects of your life.


5 Fun Stocking Stuffers to Promote Excellent Oral Health!

December 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 7:33 pm

women exchanging holiday giftsInstead of placing candy canes or other sweet treats in your children’s stockings this holiday season, this is the year to take a different approach: to offer items that are both fun and supportive of excellent oral health. If you’re not sure how to go about this, don’t worry; your dentist in Hamden has you covered. Continue reading to learn about 5 stocking-stuffing alternatives that will help to prevent cavities and contribute to some beautiful smiles!


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