How Long Does Treatment With Invisalign in Hamden Take?

August 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 9:33 pm

A person holding a clear aligner.Many people want to fix gaps or misalignment in their smile, but don’t want to go through the process of wearing metal braces for long periods of time. To them, there’s already too strong of an association with teenagers and braces, so it simply feels like a lost cause. With that being said, what if there was a way to get straighter teeth without the need for metal braces at all?

Invisalign in Hamden can get you a straighter smile in less time on average than braces without having to change your appearance. The next question is, how much faster?


Teeth Whitening in Hamden Can Be the Confidence Boost You Need!

August 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:54 pm

A person smiling during an exam.If you are feeling down about the color of your smile, it’s likely that you aren’t the only one. Many people wish they had a whiter smile, especially when they learn that having one can make a difference in many facets of their life. For example, studies have shown that having a white smile can make you more attractive, increasing the odds of developing a romantic relationship with someone you admire. In other cases, having a white smile can help you nail an interview for a new job!

For these reasons, teeth whitening in Hamden just might be the answer you were looking for.


3 Essential Oral Care Habits from Your Dentist in Hamden

July 23, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:55 pm

A woman brushing her teeth.It’s fantastic to learn that more people are brushing and flossing regularly, seeing their dentist, and paying more attention to their oral health overall compared to 50 years ago. However, your dentist in Hamden stills sees patients on a daily basis who don’t follow what’s recommended for optimal oral health.

That’s why he offers these three tips to take your oral care to the next level. The next time you think about caring for your oral health, give them a try!


Why Your Dentist in Hamden Always Recommends Routine Visits

July 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 7:39 pm

A young patient at her dental appointment.You may have heard of the idea of skipping dental visits in order to save money or time away from your work week. Maybe your friend or colleague only goes whenever their tooth hurts or for emergencies. According to your dentist in Hamden, treating oral health in this way only puts you at much higher risk of the exact situations you’re trying to avoid.

Skipping routine visits means a higher chance of discomfort caused by dental issues, higher dental costs, and more time spent in the dental chair.


Why Should You Choose Dental Implants in Hamden to Replace Teeth?

June 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:55 pm

An older couple examining an X-ray.You may have heard that dental bridges can replace teeth. Maybe you’ve used dentures in the past or even use them to this day. If so, you’re probably aware of the pitfalls that come with them as well. When you compare these tooth replacement options to the innovations of dental implants, it’s hard to make any comparisons.

If your dentist determines you’re eligible for dental implants in Hamden, you’ll gain benefits that no other tooth replacement can give you. Find out what they are today!


5 Common Emergencies Your Emergency Dentist in Hamden Sees

June 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:13 pm

A child having a dental emergency.When you break your leg or have a very high fever, the next steps are usually quite simple: either get to the emergency room or call an ambulance. However, not only do people typically not know how to handle dental emergencies, but they aren’t sure what constitutes as a dental emergency. This can lead to not taking the emergency as seriously when it occurs.

To help patients stay prepared, your emergency dentist in Hamden is listing the five most common emergencies that he sees and how to handle them before visiting him.


Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers in Hamden? Learn Today!

May 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 9:31 pm

are-candidate-porcelain-veneers-in-hamden-learnWhen it comes to the human body, life happens. It gathers many scars, causing its appearance to change permanently. This is not any different when it comes to teeth. The foods you eat stain the surface and even reach the insides, making discoloration more difficult to remove. Aging causes it too dull and lose its brilliant white color. Dental injuries cause chips that, while not a reason for emergency, can still lower self-esteem when left untreated.

Today, porcelain veneers in Hamden are the best solution for cosmetic imperfections.


Your Dentist in Hamden Offers Implant-Retained Dentures

May 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:52 pm

An older couple smiling.If you’ve been wearing dentures for a long time, you’re probably aware of the pitfalls that accommodate them. Chewing your favorite foods is usually a hassle, forcing you to change your diet and eat softer foods. You have even had them fall out while speaking, laughing, or coughing, making you feel embarrassed in front of your friends and family. Luckily, your dentist in Hamden has a solution.

With implant-retained dentures, you don’t have to worry about your dentures falling out anymore. Keep reading to learn what they are and about your options.


How Does Zoom! Teeth Whitening Actually Work?

April 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 7:20 pm

perfectly white teethSometimes, it feels like the only ally you have in the morning is your coffee as you fight traffic and try to shake off the cobwebs. Of course, your daily cup of Joe does have one drawback: it has noticeably stained your teeth. You’ve been in denial about it, but after one lingering look in the mirror, you have to admit that your teeth have definitely yellowed. Fortunately, you can easily get rid of these stains in less than an hour thanks to Zoom! Teeth Whitening in Hamden. Of course, this begs the question, “How does it actually work?” and, “Why did my teeth stain in the first place?” (more…)

Dentist in Hamden Offers Life Saving Oral Cancer Screenings

April 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:03 pm

oral cancer ribbon

Oral cancer typically isn’t talked about a lot compared to other types, but it actually claims at least one life here in the United States every hour of every day. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and in that spirit, your dentist in Hamden is going to share the best ways you can keep both yourself and your loved ones protected from this disease.


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