The Real Deal on Teeth Whitening: What Actually Works?

January 17, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 7:53 pm
Patient smiling after teeth whitening

Everyone wants a bright, white smile, and today that goal is more attainable than ever! But with so many products and home remedies out there, it’s hard to know what really works. Should you try charcoal toothpaste? Do whitening strips actually help? Continue reading to get to the unblemished truth about various types of teeth whitening and find some tried-and-true ways to brighten your smile.


Love Red Wine? Here’s How to Stop Tooth Stains This Holiday Season

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 11:26 pm
Patient enjoying red wine without tooth stains for the holidays

For some, there’s nothing better during the cold winter nights than a nice glass of warm spiced wine. However, while it’s certainly well-liked, its dark pigments can leave your teeth looking less like snowflakes and more like mistletoe. So how can you prevent tooth stains with red wine so you can enjoy it through the season? Continue reading to find out!


Small Sacrifice for Perfection: Why and How Much Enamel Must Be Removed for Veneers

November 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:21 pm
illustration of veneers being put on prepared teeth

When you look at celebrities’ flawless, pristine smiles, you may not know many of them share the same secret: veneers. Before you call your own dentist to schedule this treatment for yourself, however, you should understand that veneers are a permanent enhancement. A tiny portion of the enamel needs to come off to get the perfect smile. In other words, you can’t change your mind about it later, so you need to be sure about your decision. In this post, you’ll learn about the whole veneers process, how much enamel is taken away, and why.


Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

October 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 2:02 pm
A woman with a beautiful smile.

Fear of pain can be a strong motivator not to do something. You know if you touch a hot stove you’ll get burned, and many a childhood summer probably taught you that doing a bellyflop into the pool is going to sting! By and large, however, these uncomfortable outcomes serve no purpose.  But when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, that same fear of discomfort could be holding you back from something very positive. Worse yet, in most cases it’s not even true. Here’s why when it’s time to make over your smile, you shouldn’t let fear stop you from doing a good thing!


Why Are People So Enamored with Cosmetic Dentistry?

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 8:32 pm
Woman smiling in dental chair after receiving cosmetic dental treatment

Porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign – you’ve probably heard these words in public or come across them online. They all have one thing in common: they’re dental treatments that fall under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry. Many people are enamored with these smile-enhancing solutions, to the point where the popularity boom can be quite shocking.

So what’s going on? Is there a reason cosmetic dentistry is the talk of the town? As a matter of fact, there are several. You can learn more by scrolling through this post!


3 Things to Know When Seeing an Emergency Dentist Without Insurance

August 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 11:06 am
Emergency dentists wearing protective uniforms in a dental office

Dental emergencies can leave you stressed and off-kilter in the best of times. Given that fact, it’s natural to feel even worse when you face one without insurance. That situation would make most folks hesitate and hold back from the care they need. The good news is that you can still be smart and get dental treatment while staying within budget. To do so, just remember these three things when you see an emergency dentist without insurance.


New Dentures: Getting the Hang of Your Dental Upgrade

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 9:12 pm
Close up of senior woman smiling and touching her cheeks

Getting the hang of new tools can be difficult. Sometimes, even if you’ve had a similar device, the upgraded one is completely different! The same is true for new dentures. Making use of your natural teeth came, well, naturally, but dentures are likely to feel strange at first.

Fortunately, you’re a tough cookie. You’ll adjust to your fancy false teeth eventually. In the meantime, it’ll be helpful to get an idea of what to expect so you can promote a smooth transition.


Facts Behind the Fears: Debunking Myths About Sedation Dentistry

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 5:00 pm
Patient relaxing at the dentist with sedation dentistry

For many patients, the thought of visiting the dentist can be daunting, especially when they think about undergoing procedures. Sedation dentistry can make these visits more comfortable, but it’s often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Because of this, many refuse these treatment aids that could otherwise help them have a much better experience. So, continue reading to separate fact from fiction and learn more about sedation dentistry.


Getting Cool with Confidence: Why Summer is Ideal for Starting Invisalign

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:11 pm
Patient with Invisalign on the beach with family

Summer is the season of sun, fun, and if you believe the movies, new beginnings. If you’ve been considering straightening your teeth, there’s no better time to start your Invisalign treatment than now! But why are the hottest months the best time for the coolest treatment in dentistry? Read on to see what summer has to offer for your perfect smile transformation with Invisalign.


How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

May 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 4:27 pm

Your smile is your calling card, so it’s always important to keep it in good health. But sometimes no matter how well we brush and floss our teeth, cavities, cracks, and chips can occur. In some cases, fixing a damaged tooth is as straightforward as getting a simple filling, but occasionally a tooth may require a larger restoration known as a dental crown.

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