Facts Behind the Fears: Debunking Myths About Sedation Dentistry

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 5:00 pm
Patient relaxing at the dentist with sedation dentistry

For many patients, the thought of visiting the dentist can be daunting, especially when they think about undergoing procedures. Sedation dentistry can make these visits more comfortable, but it’s often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Because of this, many refuse these treatment aids that could otherwise help them have a much better experience. So, continue reading to separate fact from fiction and learn more about sedation dentistry.


Getting Cool with Confidence: Why Summer is Ideal for Starting Invisalign

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:11 pm
Patient with Invisalign on the beach with family

Summer is the season of sun, fun, and if you believe the movies, new beginnings. If you’ve been considering straightening your teeth, there’s no better time to start your Invisalign treatment than now! But why are the hottest months the best time for the coolest treatment in dentistry? Read on to see what summer has to offer for your perfect smile transformation with Invisalign.
